News and Notices

Student Voice

25 June 2024

Late last year, the community of La Salle College (parents, staff and students) were invited to take part in the DISA Climate Survey. This survey allows us as a College to continually improve our practices and environments for the benefit of our students.

From this survey, it was highlighted that students want more of a say in their learning. In response to this, students have been encouraged to send our Director of Pedagogy Mrs Lori an email or to pop past her office and suggest ways we can make changes in our classrooms to best suit our students and their learning. Students were asked the following:

What classrooms are your favourite, why? What subjects do you enjoy the most, why?

What are some things that your teachers do in class that you enjoy, why?

If you had an unlimited budget to change the furniture in your classrooms, what would you change?

Here are some student responses to those questions.  

My favourite classroom is E02 as well as the art and textiles room, due to the large, combined tables as well as the creative spaces...I would add more windows into classrooms to open up the supporting chairs with cushioning...charging stations within the classrooms... more greenery and physical spaces outside to encourage classes to learn in different environments.

Crunch and Sip, specifically on a Wednesday would impact my learning positively. For example, on Wednesday the bell for recess goes at 11:05 which would normally be 10:35 which is half an hour wait in which me and others are quite hungry which impacts our concentration.

My absolute favourite classroom is E2 - I absolutely love how colourful it is. I love how it is full of hands-on activities that I can use to learn, every topic we do there is a hands-on learning activity to go along with it and I learn SO well with this. ...I love how my teacher enforces and encourages a non-judgemental and welcoming environment that I always feel comfortable to ask questions in. I would love if we could have wobble stools in the classes as being able to wriggle around in my seat would help me so much.

I think that some classrooms should have a mural wall from the art room, or a separate wall painted a bright different colour in each room. Some teachers have a good way of teaching...they try to make teaching fun with brain breaks and put games into our learning and make everyone feel included. Childcare E02, Hass J01 and Dance P block are some of my favourite classes because of the differently arranged rooms with different furniture which provides a good learning space.

Crunch and sip (healthy vegetables or fruit during period 2/1). More colourful classrooms, posters etc. Bigger desk space. Brain breaks more often. A more organic classroom layout, more spacious less desks in rows, couches, bean bags, spinning/wobbly chairs or other more comfortable ideas. Rewards in class working towards a reward like a party or something of the sort. More space in bathrooms to place books. Classrooms open at recess and lunch when it is cold or too hot. More undercover areas to protect from cold or rain, including outdoor heating. Bringing back free dress days!

Students are encouraged to send our Director of Pedagogy Mrs Lori an email or pop by her office if they have any more great ideas to share! 

Mrs Jade Lori | Director of Pedagogy

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